Tuesday, 17 April 2012

What Are Symptoms Of Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are one of major health issues that are observed widely across the world. The feeling of blue from time to time is considered as a normal life part, but when this despair, stress and anxiety takes a turn to more severe way, this gets into depression. The early signs of depression must be considered as this might make it pretty tough and challenging for an individual to work in a normal routine. There are many methods that can help to overcome the depression. But what more important is to know symptoms of anxiety.

There are many symptoms of anxiety that can allow observing the intensity of stress in an individual. The common signs of depression are like:

·   Feeling of helplessness: One of the most common signs of depression is the feeling of helplessness, the person who is in anxiety feels as if there is no solution to the problem and despair.

·         Loss of weight and interest in activities: The person loses the interest in his or her hobbies and daily activities in anxiety. Not only this, the loss in appetite also strikes and significant weight loss is seen.
·         Insomnia, irritation and physical weakness are pretty common in the person who is in anxiety.

1 comment:

  1. I have recently learned, after years of depression and anxiety that having subluxation of my spine will decrease my need for the medication I have been taking. Evidently, and I don't know why I never put this together before; our spine is a huge part of our nervous system and can be a root cause for depression and anxiety along with many other brain and body functions. The idea that by re-alining my spine will improve many other health issues has set me into some serious research and I'm finding amazing information about how Chiropractics can improve mental and physical issues tremendously.
    Just sayin...
