Monday, 17 October 2011

How Do People Respond to Someone Who's Depressed?

Unlike in the yesteryears, today, majority of the people are suffering from signs of depression. It is affecting people belonging to different age groups, including teenagers. But do you know how to help someone who is suffering from depression? If not, then just read on!

The first thing that you should do to a person who is suffering from acute depression is to respond to him with lots of support, love, kindness and a positive bent of mind. Just make him understand that depression is a temporary situation and he will soon come out of this phase of life. Also, try to take him to a doctor, counselor or a therapist and make him think positive all the time. Moreover, try to make the person feel that there are lots of people around him and that he is not alone and encourage him to participate in different types of activities. Finally, remember not to criticize the depressed person even though he may have done something wrong.
But before helping a depressed person, just try to understand the various signs of depression, their causes, remedies, and so on. This will enable you to handle the depressed person in a better manner. To know more about the signs, causes and treatments of depression, just browse through the Internet.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

How Do People Respond to Someone Who's Depressed?

It is always necessary to help someone who is depressed by giving company. Helping someone who is depressed can be very important to the depressed person. A person’s support can create a lot of difference. But sometimes it so happens that you know someone who is experiencing depression and you want to help. But how ? Several things can be suggested as DO’s and DONT’s.

·         Before helping one should have previously acquired knowledge about depression. Read about the symptoms, causes, and kinds of treatments which are available. 

·         If you observe signs of depression do gently encourage the depressed person to recognize his or her depression and to take active steps to get help from a qualified psychologist or psychiatrist.

·         When helping someone who is depressed, do provide the depressed person with practical help, as you are able. You can support the depressed person by offering to accompany him or her to therapy sessions. 

·         One of the best ways to influence someone else to become more healthy, is to be more healthy yourself. Be a good role model for your depressed friend or family member by living a positive, growing, balanced life yourself. When helping someone who is depressed, don't pressure your depressed loved one to do what you think they need to do.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Understanding the signs of depression

Frustration has become a common factor in our life. We deal with a multitude of problems and it is ok if we at times feel low. But if such feeling is prolonged for a longer period then it is called depression. Signs of depression are almost known to all but what is unknown is the fact that depression has to do a lot with our physical self. Depression does not come alone but headaches, chest pain, back pain, exhaustion, digestive problems, dizziness, lack of sleep, weight problems are all signs of depression. 

It’s surprising as to how our mind is directly related to our body. Depression comes in different varieties. It may be a light blow where you become all good after experiencing a few ‘blues’ or it may choose to torment you for the rest of your life making your life miserable. A person may suddenly feel sad or alone despite being in a crowd, children will get irritated often; all signs of depression. When sadness crosses its limit it results in depression. You don’t even feel to eat your favorite food or meet your friends; you don’t feel like doing anything and often become suicidal. These are all signs of depression which if continues then the person is advised to consult a doctor.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Detecting Signs of Depression Early

Everyone experiences bouts of sadness or the blues once in a while.  It is normal to feel sad due to grief for a lost relative or loved one, or due to disappointments and failure like losing a job.  But sometimes, the sadness lingers for a long time, coupled with other symptoms that are more than normal unhappiness.  Depression may be caused by traumatic events such as the death of a parent.  But in many cases, there is no single cause and the reason may be an accumulation of various experiences.

It is important to detect signs of clinical depression early so treatment and medication can begin immediately.  The normal day-to-day life and even the relationships of a person with clinical depression are already negatively affected. 

You are most likely suffering from clinical depression if you have been experiencing five or more signs of depression in two weeks or more.    

Signs of depression may be emotional.  People suffering from depression experience feelings of sadness or despair, emptiness, hopelessness, frustration, anger, and lack of motivation for a prolonged period of time.  They no longer have any enthusiasm and do not feel happy or have fun even when doing things they used to love doing.  They may also easily lose their temper, get irritable, and cry uncontrollably or many times throughout the day.  Another sign of depression is constantly being filled with worry and negative thoughts.

The emotional sign of depressions are commonly coupled with physical stress.  Those suffering from depression experience problems with sleeping – they may oversleep and be lethargic or they may suffer from insomnia.  Similarly, they experience eating disorders, either eating more or less than usual, and this usually leads to weight gain or weight loss.  Sometimes, gastrointestinal problems, headaches, and backaches may also be signs of depression.

These signs of depression should not be disregarded.  Recognizing these signs early could prevent causing grave damage to your work and relationships and help you get back on track sooner.


Signs of Depression

In day to day life we all cross through normal sadness due to life’s up and downs and struggle. Most of the people use the word “depression” to explain these kinds of feelings. But depression is much more than regular sadness. Whenever people face depression they feel like lifeless, hopeless, empty and worthless. The exact causes of depression are not known, but many researches believe that you may be suffering due to clinical imbalances in brain.

Depression varies from person to person. The major common signs include feeling sad and pessimistic, in addition often behavior changes, like strange sleep and eat habits arises. Not attempting for weight gain or loss, there you find significant changes in weight. Sleeping too much time is also a sign of depression. It is important to remember that these symptoms are not part of life. But when these symptoms disable your ability to work, sleep, intake of food and regular activities, you must seek help.

We hear mostly about teenage depression with the reasons of love, education and money and it is major cause for suicide.  Irritability is frequently the predominant symptom in adolescents and teens. Thoughts of death and suicide are the serious signs of depression. When people go through deep sadness and hopelessness they will think of suicide to escape from struggle.

Thus common sign of depression include irritability, loss of energy, feeling hopelessness and lifeless, significant weight changes, loss of concentration in regular activities, agitation and restlessness. It is time to take treatment when these symptoms overpowering.